Student Poster Competition-2024
Graduate and Undergraduate students are encouraged to enter the Student Poster Competition. While the Research and Pictorial Showcase of our parent organization, ACJS, is open to anyone, at WACJ the poster session is an event reserved for students. The Student Poster Competition provides students an opportunity to display research and interact with other students and faculty. A panel of judges will review all posters, interact with student presenters, and choose three recipients* for a monetary award.
How to Apply
Interested students should submit poster abstracts using the Abstract Submission form. Click the button to the right to be transferred to the submission page.
Posters should present original research conducted by one or more students. Research collaborations among students and faculty are acceptable, but a student must be the primary author of the research. The primary student author must be present at the Student Poster Competition session in order to qualify for the competition component.
Posters should be professionally prepared and should be large enough for fonts to be easily readable. Your poster size should conform to 36” x 48”. Typical posters include a title, name, affiliation, abstract, research question(s) and/or hypotheses, brief description of methods, findings, and implications. All of these elements are not required and relevant elements may vary depending on the nature of the research.
*WACJ reserves the right to make more or fewer than three awards each year when warranted
Cash prizes will be awarded for student posters that place.