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The Sage Publishing WACJ Faculty Innovation in Teaching Award-2021


The purpose of this award is to recognize faculty members (full time and/or part time) who have implemented innovative ways of teaching and engaging students in higher learning.


Innovation comes in many forms.


The following examples of creative teaching are not exhaustive, but may be helpful as you describe your projects.  The innovation must always be linked to student learning.


  • Implementing a unique combination of common teaching strategies to address a learning issue.

  • Crafting new materials to promote student learning.

  • Devising a way to address gaps in student learning that you have observed over the years.


Describe innovation within the context of your department and university.  Creativity involves both imagination and a sense of realism.  Therefore, feasibility, replicatability, and potential sustainability of the innovation are valued in this award process.


Contribution to Student Learning

Have you assessed the outcome of your innovation in relation to student learning?  If so, identify your learning goals and evidence of student learning.  This can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed method.  There needs to be alignment between the goals, teaching/learning methods, and the evidence of learning.

Submit materials via email to:


Applications Due September 1, 2021. 

  • Narrative, up to five (5) double-spaced pages (12-point font) consisting of the sections outlined below:

    1. Cover letter including:

      • College/University affiliation

      • Current teaching position (academic rank)

      • Teaching load (credit hours per semester)

      • Number of years of full-time teaching experience

      • Part-time teaching experience, location, and dates

    2. Course(s) and context

    3. Motivation for the innovation and making a claim for the innovativeness

    4. Learning goals (articulate what students are expected to know and do)

    5. Description of the innovation (clearly describe what happened in the teaching and learning so readers could replicate it)

    6. Innovation's contribution to student learning (summarize assessment methods and the evidence of learning)


Appendix A: Letters of support from a student and a colleague


Appendix B: Relevant course syllabi.  Highlight the sections relevant to the innovation.  Exclude long sections not relevant to the innovation (e.g., semester study guides, supplementary reading guide, course policies, etc.).


Appendix C: A current curriculum vita


*Applicants must be willing to present their innovative teaching strategies at a session panel at the annual confenrence


**Must be present at the annual conference to win

to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

How to Apply

2019 Award Winner

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